Indonesia Launches Blue Economy Roadmap 2023-2045

The launch of Indonesia's blue economy roadmap during the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum at Sheraton Belitung Resort and Hotel, Sijuk, Belitung, Monday (7/3).

The launch of Indonesia's blue economy roadmap during the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum at Sheraton Belitung Resort and Hotel, Sijuk, Belitung, Monday (7/3).

BelitongToday, Sijuk – Indonesia has launched its Blue Economy Roadmap for 2023 to 2045.

The launch took place during the ASEAN Blue Economy Forum at Sheraton Belitung Resort, Sijuk District, Belitung Regency, Monday (7/3).

The Blue Economy Roadmap was launched with the pressing of a button on the screen by the Secretary of the Ministry of National Development Planning, Taufik Hanafi. Together with the Deputy of Economy of the Ministry of National Development Planning, Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.

The launch was also attended by the Head of the UN Representative in Indonesia, Valerie Julliand. As well as Bappenas Expert Staff for Leading Sector Development and Infrastructure, Leonardo A. A. Teguh Sambodo.

Minister of National Development Planning Suharso said online that the roadmap will pave the way for a broader development of the blue economy in Indonesia.

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“The roadmap will outline the blue economy programs that Indonesia will push forward to support economic growth,” said PPN Minister Suharso, in his remarks.

According to Suharso, as the chair of ASEAN in 2023, Indonesia is committed to realizing Southeast Asia’s blue economy framework. As one of the priorities in economic achievement in 2023.

Blue Economy Prioritized to Accelerate Economic Growth

Meanwhile, Deputy for Economics at the Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas), Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti said that the Blue Economy is one of the priorities. So that Indonesia can accelerate long-term economic growth in an inclusive and sustainable manner. And also, to be more innovative.

“So even in our country, the Blue Economy is a very strategic thing,” she said.

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According to Amalia, in 2021 Bappenas launched the Blue Economy Development Framework for Indonesia’s Economic Book.

Through the book, we learn and build a common understanding. Then, after that we compile the Indonesia Blue Economy Roadmap which was launched today.

“So this is a milestone, not only for Indonesia but also for ASEAN,” she explained.

In addition, the blue economy has an extraordinary potential but has not been optimally utilized.

Then, it is a coincidence that Indonesia is the chairman of ASEAN 2023. So, carrying the issue of blue economy is Indonesia’s initiative to ASEAN.

“ASEAN has a common sea area of more than 66 percent, and even the sea does not separate ASEAN countries. In fact, it unites ASEAN countries,” she remarked. (Adoy)

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