BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – Belitung Regency Government Asks to reopen international flight routes at H. AS Hanandjoeddin International Airport, Tanjungpandan, Belitung.
This was based on the results of a meeting to discuss the support for the existence of the status of the H. AS Hanandjoeddin Tanjungpandan Belitung International Airport, which was held in the meeting room of the Belitung Regent, Tanjungpandan, Belitung Regency, Wednesday (9/28).
The meeting was chaired directly by Belitung Regent Sahani Saleh accompanied by Belitung Vice Regent Isyak Meirobie along with Chief Officer at The H. AS Hanandjoeddin Air Force Base Lt. Col. Nav Rudy Hartono.
According to Belitung Regent Sahani Saleh based on the results of the meeting, they will send a letter to re-open international routes to H. AS Hanandjoedin airport.
“We propose to reopen international flight routes since there are many suggestions to reopen it from tourists and the delegations of the recently held G20 meeting,” said Sahani after the meeting.
The regent explained that the interest of foreign tourists visiting Belitung is quite high and some of travel agents in Belitung have communicated with foreign travel agencies, such as from Singapore, Malaysia, China, and other countries.
“They hoped that our airport will reopen for international flights,” explained the regent.
Sahani continued, that he has contacted several airlines to discuss about it and they are willing to make international flights to Belitung, and hoping more that international flight routes are soon reopened.
Previously, H. AS Hanandjoendin airport had international flight routes, but they were closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Even during the G20 event earlier this month, the airport served international transit passengers from Jakarta.
“Because of the Covid-19, international flights to Belitung were closed, but now we hope that international flights will be opened again,” he said.
Also present in that occasion were the Executive General Manager of HAS Airport Hanandjoeddin Khaerul Asidiqi, Belitung Tourism Office, Belitung Transportation Agency, tourism actors, DPD ASTINDO, PHRI, ASITA, ASPPI, and other invitees. (admin)