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Senin, 2 Januari 2023 - 11:31 WIB

Chairman of Belitung Parliament Valued Sahani-Isyak’s Hard Work During the Difficult Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic

The thanksgiving event commemmorating 4 years leadership of Sahani Saleh - Isyak Meirobie at the Satam Roundabout, Tanjungpandan, Belitung, Saturday (12/31).

The thanksgiving event commemmorating 4 years leadership of Sahani Saleh - Isyak Meirobie at the Satam Roundabout, Tanjungpandan, Belitung, Saturday (12/31).

*Special report on 4 years leadership of Sahani Saleh and Isyak Meirobie

BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – Chairman of the Belitung Regional Parliament (DPRD), Ansori, gave his opinion on the performance of the four years administration of the Regent of Belitung Sahani Saleh and Vice Regent of Belitung Isyak Meirobie.

Met by BelitongToday after the event commemorating the four years of Sahani-Isyak’s administration at the Tugu Satam Roundabout, Saturday (31/12), Ansori assessed that they had worked optimally to run the wheels of government amid the difficult situation of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“With the successful four years of leadership from Sahani Saleh and Isyak Meirobie, this is certainly what we hope for during the difficult times of Covid-19 pandemic,” he said.

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Ansori said, during the difficult time of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Belitung Regent and Belitung Vice Regent continued to work consistently and carry out the program, vision and mission, as well as promises to the community.

“They continue to carry out their vision and mission while serving as Regent and Vice Regent of Belitung,” he explained.

He added, the difficult times of the Covid-19 pandemic did not undermine the enthusiasm of the Belitung Regent and Deputy Regent in carrying out development programs.

This condition has been proven by the many achievements that have been made during their four years of leadership.

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“There have been many achievements made by the Regent and Vice Regent of Belitung during their tenure,” he explained.

Ansori hoped that in the fifth year or the end of the administration of Belitung Regent Sahani Saleh and Vice Regent Isyak Meirobie, they will be able to complete the vision, mission, and programs that have been promised to the community.

“Complete what was promised at the beginning, although it may not be 100 percent, the vision and mission of the Regent and Vice Regent of Belitung can be carried out continuously,” he hoped. (Nazriel)

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