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Kamis, 21 September 2023 - 20:29 WIB

Inspecting Cold Storage, Uzbekistan Ambassador Visits Tanjungpandan Fishing Port

BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – The Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Indonesia, Muzzafar S Abduazimov visited the Tanjungpandan Archipelago Fishing Port (PPN) on Thursday (9/21).

The visit was carried out in the framework of “Dialogue and Visiting Cold Storage of Local Government at Tanjungpandanā€¯.

Ambassador of Uzbekistan to Indonesia, Muzzafar S Abduazimov inspected the Fish Processing Unit (UPI) which is located in the Tanjungpandan Fishing Port area.

The three fishing processing units visited were PT Nelayan Mitra Mandiri, PT Belitung Berkah Mandiri, and CV. Laut Jaya.

During his visit, the Ambassador of Uzbekistan was accompanied by the Head of Tanjungpandan Nusantara Fishing Port, Arif Usman, and the Head of Belitung Fisheries Office, Firdaus Zamri.

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Previously, Ambassador Muzzafar S. Abduazimov said he was interested in a number of Belitung fishery products.

He planed to establish cooperation with Belitung Regency in the form of product exchange.

“Fishery products such as red snapper, white snapper, grouper, we include them in the products that we will cooperate with,” said Muzzafar S. Abduazimov when visiting the MSME Belitung Gallery, Wednesday (9/20) yesterday.

In addition, Muzzafar has also seen and expressed his interest in Belitung black pepper products.

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“I have seen black pepper in Belitung. We consume (black pepper, ed) in my office. That’s why I see it as a promising product because the quality is good,” he stated.

He explained that his visit to Belitung was carried out in order to establish cooperation between Belitung and Uzbekistan.

“I returned to Belitung with more comprehensive cooperation. We will sign an agreement to improve and advance the cooperation between the two cities,” he remarked. (Tim)


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