BelitongToday – Tanjungpandan – The Belitung MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises/UMKM), Cooperative, Trade, and Labor Department noted that prices and stocks of basic commodities in Tanjungpandan were normal ahead of the 2023 Chinese New Year.
The Head of the Trade Sector, the Belitung MSME, Cooperative, Trade, and Labor Department, Rita Yuliani, said that based on monitoring results so far the stocks and prices of basic commodities are still safe and stable.
“Until now, stocks and prices for basic commodities are still safe and stable,” she explained when interviewed by BelitongToday in her office, Tuesday (1/17).
Rita also said that the stock of basic commodities would be sufficient for the Chinese New Year celebrations and even until the next month.
“Perhaps there are only a few goods which prices rise up but the increase is not much,” she explained.
Rita continued, judging from the prices of basic commodities, they were still stable.
According to her, if there was a price increase, it would also be adjusted from the price in Jakarta, which is based on the cost of sending goods.
“The current weather factor does not either cause delays in shipments nor affect the stock of goods,” she explained.
Rita said, currently basic needs in Belitung still depend on supplies from outside.
“For example, chili stocks produced by local residents are one way not to always rely on goods from outside. However, commodities from local farmers here are still not sufficient,” she marked. (Mg1)