BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – Vice Regent of Belitung together with the Regional Inflation Control Team (Tim Pengendali Inflasi Daerah/TPID) conducted a field visit regarding regional inflation control at the Tanjungpandan wholesale market, Wednesday (1/18) afternoon.
Vice Regent of Belitung, Isyak Meirobie said that inflation in Belitung closed at a fairly good rate and was the lowest in Sumatra.
He explained, starting in 2023, there were indeed visible commodity increases that were not reasonable.
However, his party continued to find out how the price increase flows and then randomly checks several entrepreneurs whose prices are different.
“There is a great desire from entrepreneurs who want to get more profit, which makes inflation problem. There are entrepreneurs who are more honest, who can support us in reducing inflation,” he said.
Isyak said that some of the causes of inflation were food whose prices had increased and fluctuated, and the lack of demand was also the cause of the price.
“For now, the one that can contribute a lot to the potential for inflation is still broiler chicken. For chilies, the price has decreased, and fish will start to stabilize next month,” he explained.
According to him, the result of the follow-up review is that an inflation calendar will be made that can predict the potential for inflation.
“For example, in what month does inflation occur, how do you intervene,” said Isyak.
The calendar can also be used annually to find out inflation problems whether there are additional innovations or additional interventions.
The calendar will also be made integrative to find out the stock of goods at supplier level such as the Logistics Bureau, the Agriculture Department, the Fisheries Department, and others.
“So that TPID can monitor it together. Apart from that, an inflation monitoring application will also be made. There will be an alarm that sounds if the price has exceeded the price which can contribute to inflation,” he explained. (Mg1)