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Minggu, 8 Januari 2023 - 12:01 WIB

Pressing Production Costs, Belitung Agriculture Department Urged Pepper Farmers to Use Organic Fertilizers

Head of Plantation Division, Belitung Food Security and Agriculture Department, Hamzah.

Head of Plantation Division, Belitung Food Security and Agriculture Department, Hamzah.

BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – Head of the Plantation Division of the Belitung Regency Food Security and Agriculture Department (Dinas Ketahanan Pangan dan Pertanian/DKPP), Hamzah urged pepper farmers to use organic fertilizers to reduce pepper production costs in Belitung.

“Yes, we are more directed to make organic or independent fertilizers which we process from materials available in the community,” Hamzah told BelitongToday, Friday (1/6).

According to Hamzah, the use of organic fertilizer is considered capable of reducing the cost of pepper products in the midst of a situation where there is no subsidized fertilizer from the government as of 1 January 2023.

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“So, specifically for pepper farmers there will be no more subsidized fertilizers,” he said.

He directed farmers to make organic fertilizer. His department also prepared training and socialization activities on making organic fertilizer for pepper farmers in each village.

“So we hope that colleagues in the village will facilitate them in making organic fertilizer so that they will become resource persons,” he explained.

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Making organic fertilizer has been carried out with a number of pepper farmers in Terong Village and other villages in the District of Membalong.

“Because this step is to reduce the burden on pepper farmers from dependence on non-organic fertilizers. The fertilizer materials are available in the community and can be made independently,” he added. (Adoy)

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