BelitongToday, Tanjungpandan – A total of 146 groups from all categories will take part in a parade to promote potential and regional development in commemoration of the Youth Pledge 2022 in Belitung.
Registration of participants starts from Thursday (06/10) to Saturday (22/10) on every working day in the protocol and communication section of the Belitung Regency Regional Secretariat, while the parade will be held on Saturday (29/10).
“Preparations for the parade on Saturday, October 29, have been running according to the target of the committee,” said Regional Secretary of Belitung Regency, MZ Hendra Caya, Sunday (10/23).
According to Hendra, they hope that during the implementation it can run smoothly and as expected, including the participants who are already registering.
The parade in 2022 is taking the theme “through the spirit of the youth pledge we will create creative and innovative youth to support Belitung tourism sector”.
Then, the sub-themes are Belitong Unesco Global Geopark, Belitung Success in G20, Belitung hosting international events, Belitung having local culture and creativity, and Belitung heading to the World Ocean Assessment (WOA) – UN Dalos December 2022.
“Participants for pedestrians, decorative bicycles, decorative motorcycles, and decorative cars are ranging from elementary students to the general public,” he explained.
Therefore, Hendra thanked the people of Belitung, both participants and spectators, for the participation of the people of Belitung, and invited to watch the parade in an orderly and smooth manner.
“Let’s make a successful parade together, which will truly showcase the potentials of the Belitung people, so that it will become an entertainment venue for the Belitung people and be able to promote the potential of Belitung, especially the tourism potential,” he said. (adoy)