BelitongToday, Sijuk – The Government of Terong Village, Sijuk District, Belitung Regency, has decided to reactivate their civilian security posts (pos kamling) in their village area to anticipate the rise in cases of theft in the last few days.
“We have reactivated the “Pos Kamling” in order to create a conducive situation to prevent acts of theft,” said Head of Terong Village, Suhaimi, Wednesday (1/11).
He said that the reactivation of Pos Kamling activities in the village was based on the results of a deliberation meeting at the local hamlet hall which took place on Tuesday (1/10).
“Based on the agreement resulting from the deliberations of the residents, we will reactivate the activities of the security guard post or pos kamling,” he explained.
Suhaimi hoped that with the active return of the security guard post in the village, security situation and public order would be conducive.
“Hopefully, this siskamling activity will rise citizens’ awareness in handling any possible disturbances to security and public order,” he hoped.
Previously, theft was reported to be rife in Terong Village, Sijuk District.
One of residents, Roni, explained that some of the equipment belonging to residents in the village was lost due to theft.
It was estimated that the thieves have been in action from 6 to 10 January.
“We are very worried that several residents’ belongings have lost, such as fertilizer, grass-cutting machines, robin machines, water machines, and others,” he marked. (Nazriel)