BelitongToday, Manggar – The Acting Governor of Bangka Belitung Islands (Babel), Suganda Pandapotan Pasaribu, considered the low level of education of the average community to be a trigger for high stunting cases in the Province of Bangka Belitung Islands.
A low level of education makes the child marriage rate increase and leads to the wrong parenting.
Pasaribu conveyed this in the Satu Hati Membangun Negeri Meeting Room, East Belitung Regency. After reviewing the stunting locus or the houses of residents who indicated malnutrition in Senyubuk Village, Kelapa Kampit District, Tuesday (6/13).
“Thus, stunting in us is an anomaly. We always hear that stunted residents lack nutritional intake and so on. But after we saw in the field earlier, looking from the economic side, they come from well-off families. This means that there is a wrong parenting pattern,” said Pasaribu.
Wrong parenting happens since many people only get basic education. Even in the national average, the education level of Babel residents is still quite low.
“This is what we must intervene in the future. If the level of education of our youth is high they will not marry at an early age. Maybe economically they are capable, but in terms of mindset the are not yet capable,” Pasaribu said.
Babel Targets to Lower Stunting Rate in Line With National
The Babel Provincial Government targets the stunting rate in 2023 to decrease according to the national target of 14 percent. Currently the stunting rate in Babel Province is still 18.5 percent.
“Our target follows the national target, that is 14 percent. Now we are still at 18 percent,” Pasaribu added.
For the stunting reduction strategy, the Babel Provincial Government is collaborating with all stakeholders, including Integrated Healthcare Center (posyandu) cadres, village, sub-district, and district level officials.
These stakeholders are encouraged to continue to provide assistance to stunting families.
“Apart from providing additional food with nutritional intake, we also hold trainings. These trainings will change the mindset of our generation,” he concluded. (Mario)